Service Department Hang Tags Plus. Great for any size service department, service center, garage, body shop, tire center, etc.
East to use, tag has large numbered service tag that hangs from vehicle rear view mirror with large number that can be seen from a long distance. A numbered key tag, customer claim check ticket and a long numbered service strip.
After service is complete, the technician removes the "SERVICE" portion from the tag and attaches it to the paperwork, signaling service work completion.
*Initial numbers must be multiple of 1,000.
Lowest set available is 0000-0999.
Highest set available is 9000-9999.
1000 tags per box, 20 pads of 50.
Size: 6 3/4" x 7"
Select tag numbers of first box, any other boxes will be in sequential order.
Available in White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green and Orange